Spotted Lanternflies Issues

The Spotted Lanternfly is an invasive pest that has taken root in several U.S. regions. They originated in East Asia, and they can cause damage to crops, landscapes, and a variety of types of trees.

Spotted Lanternflies cause significant damage when they feed on the sap of host plants. This sap extraction weakens the plants and disrupts photosynthesis, which is essential for plant health. They also excrete a sticky residue called honeydew. This substance attracts sooty mold and other insects, further compounding the damage and stress on the affected trees.

Signs of Spotted Lanternfly Infestation

Spotting an infestation early can prevent widespread damage. Signs to watch for include:

  • Sweet-smelling, fermented odors emanating from affected trees
  • Sticky honeydew deposits on leaves and the ground, which also lead to sooty mold
  • Sap seeping from wounds on trees
  • Wilted or curled leaves, often with premature dieback
  • Adult lanternflies, notable for their gray wings with black spots and a hint of red, or the presence of their brown, mud-like egg masses

Host Plants and Trees at Risk

Spotted Lanternflies prefer a variety of host plants, with a particular affinity for the invasive Tree of Heaven. They are also drawn to several hardwood and fruit trees including oaks, maples, pines, walnuts, and various ornamental and fruit-bearing trees, which can suffer from their feeding habits.

Selective Tree culling for Pest Control

The primary strategy for Spotted Lanternfly control involves thorough and strategic tree management. Recognizing that certain species, particularly the invasive Tree of Heaven, serve as prime breeding grounds for these pests, we focus on identifying and removing these key host trees from your property. This not only halts the spread of the Lanternfly but also helps to maintain the overall health of your local ecosystem.

Dragonetti Tree Removal Pest spotted lanternfly management


Our approach is not just about removing any tree but specifically targeting those that facilitate the life cycle of the Spotted Lanternfly. By eliminating these critical hosts, we drastically reduce Lanternfly populations and their potential to damage other vegetation. This targeted tree removal is conducted with precision and care, ensuring that your landscape remains beautiful and balanced, even as we make it less suited to spotted lanternfly infestation.